Cook's In Kansas

Monday, November 13, 2006

Another busy weekend at the Cook house.

I took Friday off. After spending a week at a conference and another week catching up at work, we just spent some time together on Friday. We tackled the first step in our kitchen remodel project. As with everything in our house it was much more complicated than it looked. The previous owners had at some point put up masonite on the walls by and behind the counter and our stove. It was faux marble and just ugly. How do you thing they put this on the walls? With glue, lots and lots of glue. This then riped some of the paper off of the drywall. Now that is a problem that can be fixed with some drywall mud. We are getting to be experts at that. But the other great thing they did was they put up the masonite before putting on the counter top. The counter top does not move, the cabinets do not move. Thus there are small portions of the masonite that broke off and are sticking out above the counter. We went to Home Depot and got a Drimel like tool to grind it off. This did not work. So after consultation with my dad and Laurie's mom we think the best solution is to try and trim it out with a utility knife.

Later on that afternoon Laurie starting feeling bad and by the end of the night she was running a 104 temp.

Laurie began feeling some better. We were pretty lazy. At 4pm I had to come into town for a fundraiser for the Lutheran Campus Ministries Board. It was in conjunction with the last football game. We spent around $300 on food for a grill out and only made about $130, but lessons were learned and it was a fun time. In case you care or didn't hear, K-State ended up beating the University of Texas on Saturday. This was a big deal! We also cooked a turkey for a youth event on Sunday.

Laurie and I were greeters at church. We had a dinner after provided by our stewardship committee as a thank you for giving. We then had a youth event. The youth (at least the 5 that came) helped us cook a meal for the local emergancy shelter. This is a shelter for women and families in unsafe situations. We weren't able to go and serve the meal, but it was being delivered today. We were all wiped out by the end of that. We came home and Audrey fell asleep by 8pm. I fell asleep on the couch around 9pm and we were in bed by 10:30.


  • good luck on the kitchen remodel project! I did mine last year and it was quite the undertaking.

    The KSU-Texas game was a real thriller. I watched the first half at my parents' house after stopping by on my way back from Cape Girardeau. Watching football with my dad (an ex-football coach) is exciting in itself. : ) That must have felt really good to upset a national powerhouse team. Not that Mizzou could've done it!

    By Blogger John, at 10:54 AM  

  • WOW! Your posting again and I'm enjoying again!!! By the way...did Audrey dress up for Halloween??? If so...where are those photos!!!! No pressure...just asking. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:04 PM  

  • same here :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:05 PM  

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